This post is the second in a series of responses to typical anti-organic, anti-local talking points. My first article considered whether or not organic foods are too expensive for the average American family. Today’s subject is the the efficiency of organic farms. Conventional farms use chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and genetically-modified (GM) seed to boost yield. […]
Posts tagged with organic
Are organic foods too expensive?
If we eat better food, as a society, we may pay more at the checkout counter. But our insurance premiums drop. Critics like Martosko always seem to miss this.
Food with SOLE
What makes real food, well, real? The answer in an acronym: SOLE. Real food is characteristically sustainable, organic, local, and ethical.
How organic spices are different from non-organic spices
If you’ve been near the spice racks at your local grocery store, you’ve probably seen a special section for organic varieties. How are they different from non-organic, cheaper spices?
Let’s take a moment to define ‘organic’
In the United States, food producers must receive certification before they can go about adding ‘organic’ to their label. This is disadvantageous to small (independent) farms, as the process costs more than the label will bring back in revenue.